Ice Cream Brighton: How To Make The Real Gelato

At the beginning, there wasn’t the development of the modern refrigeration. Ice cream Brighton was, for this reason, just a sentence said for talk about a luxury reserved for very special occasions. Making it was laborious and quite difficult; ice was cut from lakes and mountains during the winter, after it was stored in holes in the ground or, if it was possible, in brick ice houses. It was a very usual practice to cut the ice formed during the winter, and use it or sell it in the spring or the summer. During those times started a very huge business cutting ice in new England and shipping it around the world.
For the ancient tradition, it was made by hand in large bowl placed inside tubes, mixed with ice and salt, to make it and conserve it for long time; pot freezer was the name of the method. French confectioners refined the pot-freezer method, they use to make ice creams in a sorbetière, the old way to make the modern sorbet. With this method the gelato makers was able to reduced temperature of all the ingredients, and to reduce that in a kind of mixture of crushed ice and salt. This salt water is cooled because of the ice, and thanks of this action of the salt on the ice, the mix melting and it absorb latent heat and bringing the mixture below the freezing point of pure water. When the container is immersed, it can also make a better thermal contact with the salty water, in this way the mixture could ice alone.
Ice cream Brighton, Europe and America was made and sold by small businesses at the beginning. Jacob Fussell of Baltimore was one of the first person who manufacture this dessert on a large scale. He use to buy all the dairy products from farmers in York and sold them in Baltimore.
The modern process to make the iced dessert start to the chosen of very high level ingredients like milk, eggs, sugar. Sometime you can use cocoa, pistachios, hazelnuts.
The all mix has to be subject at the pasteurization, to prevent the cross contamination and to make a very creamy mixture between water and the other ingredients. In the sorbet all the dairy product are absent. The rest of the ingredients are composed by fruits or cream product.
The preparation is made by special machines that are able to see all the different steps during the process of the gelato making. Italy is the first nation in the world where the gelato is on the 55% of the dessert businesses. But the Italian tradition made possible the migration of this dessert in all the Europe, where you can find a lot of places which use the traditional preparation process, from Italy ice cream to the ice cream Brighton.
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