Generation Regeneration The future of regenerative medicine

On the 23th and 24th of September at the Fondazione Cini in San Giorgio Maggiore Island, in Venice, the “Generation Regeneration” event will occur. The international conference where the new technology “Cellular Matrix” will be unveiled and the future of Regenerative Medicine will be discussed. The conference is organized by the BioBridge Foundation and by Regen Lab, with the patronage of the Nobel Prize Winner for Medicine 2008, Luc Montagnier and Professor Ivo Pitanguy, plastic surgeon of worldwide fame. The conference will be presided over, amongst others, by Antoine Turzi, CEO of the BioBridge Foundation and creator of the “Cellular Matrix” therapy. The innovation introduced is “Cellular Matrix”, a medical device that allows the preparation of a mix between PRP (Platelet-rich Plasma) and a non-crosslinked Hyaluronic Acid (HA). This acid, once injected into the damaged tissue, supplies the autologous cells a three-dimensional matrix that improves the cellular proliferation and augments the growth factors. The Cellular Matrix method radically changes the approach to cellular reconstruction, especially in the area of orthopedic medicine, plastic surgery, dentistry and others.
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